Saturday, June 7, 2008

Family Fun

Liza and her sister pulled up to the apartment building and before the engine was off Eli was climbing out of his car seat, across Reed and into my arms. His smile was just as fun as me realizing I can barely lift him up. From that moment we hung in the apartment and played. Blocks and baths are like riding a bike.

You all have delivered these boys in better shape than I left them, not suprisingly, and it feels good to be together again.

I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure I got A LOT better today!

I look forward to NYC park dates soon, and really can't wait for the DC park reunions.

May you all have great summers full of smiles and love. See you soon!

David Holder
(202) 270-3174


Robin and Elaine said...

So glad the precious cargo made it there safely and the Holder family is finally together! Love to all!!

Grammy and Grandpa

Leeann said...

Aw, I love it.

You just made my heart sing.

I'm so very happy for you.


Anonymous said...

Eli has constantly talked about you, David. I can only imagine what his little soul experienced when he finally was in your arms again.

I will sleep well tonight.



Dana Little Jackson said...

Amen indeed. What a wonderful picture you painted. I love the idea of Eli grinning and squashing Reedy to get you. That's so sweet. Don't hold back on those precious stories. I LOVE them. Dana

Anonymous said...

We're so happy to read this fabulous news! Soon you'll be sharing some chocolate milkshakes with those wonderful munchkins of yours. Love to all!
Shelley and Shel

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear of your reunion,David!
I will go through the same thing in the next few months with Phil going through his allogenic stem cell transplant for peripheral t cell lymphoma.He is doing great right now staying strong and his lymphoma appears to be shrinking big time with just one round of ICE therapy...Yoohoo
I draw great strength and encouragement as I read your success and strength that you have.....I keep updating Phil all about your good news......
How do you feel overall?Email me at so we can keep in touch.It is rare to find someone in our shoes...Liza and I could draw strength from each other I am ceertain.We have 5 children.Our youngest is 4 so I am dreading her having to be away from daddy for so long.......
i am happy to hear about Eli being so happy with having daddy back home again!


Shannon K said...

I'm so happy for you guys! It's amazing how much a child can warm your soul. I'm sure they missed you in ways that you can't imagine. Glad the family is back together again- xoxo SK

Anonymous said...

I just read about your reunion with the kids to Vinny, and we both are tearing up here. It must be so sweet and lovely--and we know you will enjoy every minute of it!

all our love,
seema & vinny

Anonymous said...

Hooray! That's the best family reunion story ever! Smiling down here now that the Holders are together again!


Anonymous said...

Finally, some tears of pure joy. We are so happy the Holder family is back together. Hugs to you all!
