Friday, March 28, 2008

T + 8

I'm now eight days removed from the transplant; how time flies!  We installed a serious dart board in the room yesterday - the kind you'd find in a bar - the darts have plastic tips, and the board is full of electronic bells and whistles. It should be good for at least an hour a day of "exercise". Many thanks to my old college buddy who delivered the beautiful board.

The doctors altered my nausea and pain meds yesterday and the adjustments helped considerably.  I was out of bed for over seven hours, far exceeding my four hour per day goal.

The most difficult side effect right now is related to mucositis, which destroys my mouth, throat, esophogus, and whole GI track. As a result my mouth and throat burn with pain, my mouth is filled with gauze and blood, and I neither talk nor swallow. Not pretty, but to be expected and it will pass. In the meantime, Liza speaks for me and I speak with her through my eyes and expressions. Our ability to communicate under the circumstances makes me smile. She has clearly always been a step or two ahead of me but didn't let on, as this wordless interplay comes easy.

Your thoughtfullness and generosity continue to keep Liza and me in high spirits. From emails to care packages, and friends taking Liza out for a meal, we are doing as well as can be expected. We love you for your support and optimism.

With love and affection,

David Holder
(202) 270-3174


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely amazing!!!!!
Please give Liza a hug from us.
Love to you both,
Linda & Ed

emmaimpavido said...

8 days already. Just think with every dart you throw, every silent conversation with your wonderful wife, every day that goes by , you are a step closer. You can do it.
Lots of love to you both.
Emma and family. xx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that you are outfitting your room for some fun. Sounds like one tricked-out dart board. Are you a Scrabble fan (I am!)? Check out:
I downloaded it when I was on bedrest with the twins and really enjoyed playing. I believe Gamehouse has other games as well...
We're thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Wow! One week post op and up for 7 hours. Good for you! Prayers as always for you and Liza. I hope she gives you some competition with your new dart game! Enjoy and God bless!

Dottie Manigan

Anonymous said...

Love to you from Austin, TX. The last leg of our journey. Ready to come home tomorrow, miss the beasts...Love, Sal

love sophie

You're doing great david...keep going! ~eli

Thanks for all the inspiration. We miss you. Love

Anonymous said...

Hey Man,

Stewy called me from a ski trip he is on with Ollie G. They were thinking about you in the mountains, and we are praying for you in the flats of Florida. Know that we are all pulling for your speedy recovery!!!! There is an African word "Unbuntu"(sp?) which speaks to our interdependence on one another. As you may draw encouragement from our posts, we are truly inspired by your character! You have unbuntu!!


Anonymous said...


You honor us with your honesty. With your deliberate description of results of the treatments. Also this way we can REALLY be with you.

I am so grateful for Liza's love. In Action.

Love to the two of you,

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what else can be thrown at you at this point but your unwavering in the midst of all this is just incredible. And I'm so glad to hear you are up and about! Awesome progress, dude. Let me know when you're ready for those bicep curls. :)