Saturday, May 10, 2008


I'm just powering through the days now, taking one hour at a time, until the lung issues are resolved. The many medicines they are using to heal the lung sap the energy from me and have a whole additional set of side effects. The good news is that Liza takes great care of me, making life as easy as possible, and eventually the lung will heal and I'll get back to the business of preparing for discharge.

Patience and perseverence. I'll get there. We'll get there.

David Holder
(202) 270-3174


Leeann said...


You will get there.

I know you must be getting awfully restless and ready to get the heck out of Dodge.

Sometimes you can't see the clearing when you're in the midst of all the trees, and then suddenly there it is. You were heading in the right direction all the time.

Keep walking step by step, the clearing is coming.


Anonymous said...

The quote found you! :)

Hang in


Andrew Slocum said...

Stay yoda says the force comes from within...your almost through your last phase of jedi training...soon you will be no match for will be jedi master you will!

Plow on


PS...Cornell lax is out but how bout those Astros!

Anonymous said...

"Persevere"- from Latin (perseverare) from per- through + severus-severe

I like your title. Key word here is "through". You are making it through the hard times. You are persisting through difficulty. You have strength beyond words. Your mental and physical might and fortitude is bad ass and a force not to be reckoned with. Keep healing. We are thinking of you from Cali.

See you soon.
