Thursday, July 10, 2008


The food tube was hungry and it's been eating non-stop since the docs started testing it roughly 50 hours ago; and there have yet to be complications!

The plan is to get me stronger, discharge by next week, and then pet scan to see what, if any, lymphoma exists (hasn't been killed by my new immune system)..  If no lymphoma, then we're done, I have a year to build up immunities (vaccinations, etc.).  If lymphoma, then we come up with another plan.

I miss you all dearly, love seeing the ny guys regularly, and I continue to be overwhelmed by your notes, emails, posts, and general love and support.

David Holder
(202) 270-3174


Leeann said...

First off,

Feeding Tube + No complications =

Second of all,

Obviously we join you in hope that the PET scan will be all clear. But, I don't understand the one year thing. Can you explain that a little further?

Hugs, cheers and congratulations,

Anonymous said...

I'll toast to that! Lotsa love, Sal

Anonymous said...

Yeah for the food tube, and hopefully all will be a piece of cake from this point on and you will be back to DC shortly. Love Diane & Joey

Dana Little Jackson said...

I'm so glad to hear the feeding tube is doing what it's supposed to do without complications. I'm rooting for your new immune system. Thanks for letting us know that you're "eating!" love, Dana

Anonymous said...

Hang in there brother. We want you at that Ravens crab feast! Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Dear David,
Keep up the great work, ye food tube! And keep getting stronger, David. Soon you'll be doing your own slurping, as in summer's sweet drinks.
Shelley and Shel

Straighterline said...

Can I get a food tube? Better, can I get one for my kids? That will make meal preparation and clean-up so much easier! Good luck Dave!

Shannon K said...

ROCK ON!!!!!! Kippy and I were chatting about you.....We are so proud of you and amazed by your continuous optimism- you and Liza truly are phenomenal. Love and hugs- Shannon

Anonymous said...

Way to go Dave! So please that the food tube is doing its job! You'll be out in no time and hopefully back to DC with your family in your home! Whew..what an accomplishment... and the long road is getting shorter.

Prayers and God Bless as always..

Dottie M

Anonymous said...

Chow down! So glad to hear this news. Hope it's actually making you FEEL better. We're rooting on the new immune system!


Anonymous said...

That sounds like progress. You and Will can compete on the weight gain. Will just passed the 4 pound mark today!

Thinking of you guys!

Lizzy, Chris, Maggie and Will

Anonymous said...

excellent news! I'm so happy your tube is hungry! we love you and miss you and think of you every single day.

all our love,
tansy, ranan, haley, and anna

Anonymous said...

That is just wonderful news. So happy to hear things have taken a good turn. Hope you feel better and better.

Miss you,


Jenny, Kil, Miles & Cole

Anonymous said...

glad to know the feeding tube is in and you are going to rock that PET scan. you and liza are the strongest couple on the planet. we send you good good good wishes.

love seema and vinny

Anonymous said...

We are praying all will work out for you,David.......
We just know that the PET scan will be negative!

Stacie and Phil